Internet Auditions

Posted by on 25 Apr 2015 | Tagged as: blog

The aspiring actor
(or internet auditions)

An actor is pounding the streets of a large city looking for a theater, talent agency or sound studio or radio or television station where he can audition for a much needed job.
All personal funds are gone and the expenses of living are high.
Then walks into a theater boasting a sign for a casting call today.
The room is filled with people and a desk where a studious person is processing each applicant.
After a short wait our actor approaches the table and introduces himself while asking if the auditions are still open.
“Yes.   Fill out these forms,” comes the reply.
When done he approaches the desk again and hands the forms to the attendant.
“These look fine.  That will $39.95 please.  Then you can get in line for your audition.  The spots are filling up fast.”
“But I’m looking for work that pays me. Since when must I pay to apply for a job?”
“I’m sorry but we require the fee.  There are costs for us to do this.  Do you want to apply or not?”
“Will I get hired if I pay the fee?”
“I can’t guarantee anything.  The fee is the cost to audition.  Do you want to audition or not?”
“I guess not, I don’t have any money.”
He leaves and further down the street sees a help wanted sign.
He enters and is greeted by a similar sight as was seen in the theater.
And here too after filling out an application is informed that a fee is required in order for the secretary to submit the forms and setup an interview.
The applicant leaves and wanders down the street finding this the case at every establishment he enters.
Tired, hungry, and depressed, he must look for a place to sleep and maybe a dumpster to scrounge some food from.
Sound strange? Familiar?
This is the way of the new internet acting scene.
Pay and you can audition with no promise of a job.

Do auditions translate to jobs?

Posted by on 24 Sep 2013 | Tagged as: blog

 I’m in a group at called

A week ago the group originator started a conversation and it has received much attention from the voice over community.

Here is the  question and my responses and maybe one or two others to answer my above question.

How many auditions did you do today? Co-founder

If you’ve been keeping track of how often you step up to the mic each day, comment and join the conversation.


 Stephanie Ciccarelli




 jay beachamjay beacham

The voice as an instrument-your source for voice work-actor -singer -voice talent

When I was paying for an audition factory to provide audition opportunities, I regularly did ten + a day.
Now Once a week is rare. Audiobook reads are longer and take more time.
With just as little likelihood of being hired.
The amount of auditions don’t seem to correspond to the times being hired.
The only jobs I’ve gotten are from people who know me outside of the internet. The internet only being used to transport the demos and final work.

In  my experience, I would get tons of jobs, if I sat at home and waited and jumped at each thing that came along.

Once a casting lady from Atlanta called me. She liked my voice and 9 other guys’ voices. On a day when I was working at a non voice related job away from home, I got home late to an email about a read, I being her first choice. It was 10:30pm Utah time making it very late in Atlanta. I called the next morning to learn that it had been filled. She’d wanted a 1 hour turn around.

In film it is the same. On a Monday, an email arrived for me to be at a shoot as an extra Tues, & Wens. or Wens. & Thurs. that week in northern Utah, I live in southern Utah and had a pre-scheduled acting gig on Wens. in southern Utah.

This is an instant business. Casting directors never plan ahead. And they want quick turn around times and there is a surplus of voices or actors to choose from, who are are sitting waiting for the call or email.

So the number of auditions one does will never translate into jobs.

Other responses to her question are:

Ralph Ralph “Allen”



Ralph “Allen” Allenbaugh

President, Owner Ralph Allen Media

I think that there are a lot of really special and well qualified and talented people doing voice work. The successful people soon learn how to prospect for clients that use free lance talent.
I guess the need for prospecting is a huge part of this job.



Jeff Lavoce




Jeff Lavoce

Voice-over at

I do agree with the above comment. Nowadays, its about how smart you run your business, and how well you prospect, and that is not just voice-acting. If your voice is spot-on, I would suggest a business/marketing course, rather than yet more voice-coaching.

so get your voice out there, and get prospecting! 


So the number of auditions one does will never translate into jobs.

That’s my opinion.

Jay Beacham







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