Selective code enforcement in Ivins, Utah

Posted by on 11 Jan 2018 | Tagged as: blog

Is there Selective code enforcement in Ivins, Utah?

I’ve composed a few questions for the town administration and council.

“Some questions I have about zoning and code enforcement in Ivins, Utah

In 2017, a manure spreader on a trailer left my farm.
It is now decorating the front yard of someone north of my farm on Center street.
If machinery that is not being used for what it was manufactured for is an offense,
why is old machery decorating people’s front yard all through out Ivins (even in Kayenta)?

Isn’t that selective enforcement?

If I can’t park my trailer, motor home, etc. at my house, why can many others have them at their houses?
Many of which are not currently registered with the DMV?

Why must a 3.63 acre piece of farm property supposed to comply with residential requirements?

Why can K & A and D & W farms have so much equipment, running and not visible from public road ways and no one else can?  Isn’t if supposed to be screened?

Why do developers, who never intend to live in Ivins, have more rights than residents of many years?

Why is it that farm property owned by one family for over 65 years and doing business the same as now
since 1978, must now change use because a developer wants to build next door?

Why is it that the Zoning department can use areal drone taken photos in a complaint that were illegally obtained?
See SBO111

Why must a citizen remove dead weeds on and around his property when the town government doesn’t do like wise
on town owned sidewalks and right of ways?

Why does the town keep the road side landscaping up for developments but won’t along regular streets?

Why are farms encouraged in the Center of town and not on the west side of town which was planned to
be farming in the original master plan?

Why is it that Ron Blake farm corrals are “grandfathered use” but my farm just to the south isn’t?

Why can some have many unused cars in yard while others can’t?

Why is it that people on the council and their close relatives can have and do what others can’t?

If enforcement is so important, why are all violations town wide not addressed at the same time?

Remember that majority vote doesn’t make wrong right.”

Jay Beacham

Who Do They Represent?

Posted by on 05 Jun 2014 | Tagged as: blog

developers, May 21, 2014
A political question for all.
Who do city council persons represent?
Not who are they supposed to represent, but who do they represent?
County commissioners?
State legislators?
Federal Congressmen and women?
Federal Senators?
President of the USA?
Think before you answer and be truthful about who is represented.

Some answers:
Steve Swapp It depends on which city council you’re speaking of, I suppose. For example, I believe that property developers are strongly represented by some of the people on our current Washington County Commission and on the water board. We really need to choose different commissioners. Don’t keep the incumbents!!
May 22 at 7:01am ·
(Johnathan said)One man today said he felt the town councils represented the state legislature or the govenor but diffinately not the town citizens.
May 23
Sat. 24th on Who represents who?Betty said, “they are supposed to represent the citizens but they represent those with the most money.” Then she amended her statement with “Developers”.
May 24
From the short survey the most prevalent responses are:
Property developers, money, state or federal over local.
What do you think?

I attended a council meeting in Ivins on May 22, 2014.
On the agenda was a public hearing about a proposed development.
Part of the proposal was to make a high backed curb on the now dirt farm road of 600 West.

10th ward flood aftermath 600 west 2013 00110th ward flood aftermath 600 west 2013 002
The two property owners along that road and several other owners near the proposed deveopment were in opposition to that and wanted roadsides like are present in the Kayenta deveopment.
The council listened to the town staff and not the owners.
Ron said, “I like curbs”, Steve said, “they are clean”, Geroge said, “they are safe”, Cheyne made no comment but having curbed his street on his own and been a major proponent of the roads and curbs installed in the historic townsite had proven his stance on the issue.
The high backed curb was approved by a vote of 4. ( the one woman on the coucil was not in attendance)
My question is,
“Who did they represent?”
The constiuents who were opposed to the curbs?
The town staff(i.e. building department)?

The developer?
The Major? Who said, “the developer wants a decision tonight”.
Earlier, Ron had said he’d like to table the issue until he could go and inspect the site.
He was talked out of this wise decision.

What form of government do we have?
A representative one?
If so, who are the represented?
What do you think?

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