Recording information by jaybeacham on

 Someone asked me if my parents sang. I told them about Mom always singing around the house and Dad singing to the cows while milking. I tried that but the cows didn’t like my singing. “How could you tell”, they asked. well when they kick you, the milk pail or swat with a mucky tail until you stop you get the idea.
Join the dialog. What do you think?

That’s my last take before I really massacre it.
Brenda, do you think the cows will like this one?

4 days ago, bethybug138GOLD said:

a GEORGIA song! yayyyyy!!!! loved this one very much! …and I’m sure the cows would like it too! ha ha

I replied:

I’d better explain the remark about cows for some of you.
My father used to sing to the cows at milking time. They’d settle down and milking was a breeze. So I started to try it but the cows took exception to my vocals and let me know it by kicking me, the milk pail, or just swatting me with their tails and giving me a reproving look and moo.

Say Beth, I sent my link a to Clara in Oklahoma who said her singing causes the dogs to howl and her kids to cry, This was her reply: Jay , I have to say I was quite suprised when I listened to your song, which by the way is a favorite of mine. Now I thought it was very good and I have saved it to my favorites. You are not Ray Charles but then who is ? and you will be happy to know that my two cows and 4 horses liked it.. thank you. Clara..

About 13 hours ago, brendaaGOLD said:

I’m laughing at your comments because you and I know all that we said in f/b about you and the cows.I think them cows if they were alive today would love this song enough to kiss ya lol very nicely sung this is a winner for sure !!million stars…Brenda

 I said:

But then again, Utah cows may have a different temperament that those in other states and Holsteins may have more critical expectations than other breeds.

What do you think?

This is the song in question: the dialog. Leave your comments below.