What have you Been Up To?
Posted by jaybeacham on 02 Nov 2015 | Tagged as: blog
A friend on the SingSnap Karaoke site commented on one of my recordings, wondering what I’d been doing.
He’d been writing and recording all summer.
Hear his “What have they done?” Musical
See Act 3 at: http://www.singsnap.com/karaoke/watchandlisten/play/ad93eaa79
He lives and works in Nashville, Tennessee.
I wrote back:
Thanks Randy for the inspiring comment.
Besides the English songs on SingSnap, I’ve recorded about 80 songs in German
(my foreign tongue) and I’ve tried Hawaiian, Spanish, Italian, Japanese,
Yiddish and Hebrew(much like German), Gulah and Cajun, and even the tough
one for me-French. http://www.singsnap.com/karaoke/member/jaybeacham
A number of years ago, I wrote a song called “Go To The Light”.
This summer a great local music teacher, Jacob Nielsen made a new and
better arrangement of it. As soon as I can get a recording of the music,
I’ll record it here on SingSnap and send it to you to get your opinion about it.
Besides work which sometimes is hectic but the last 2 months has been almost none existent but has started up again, I’ve done a few things that I’ll send you links to if you don’t mind.
Finally some voice work in June narrating for two fine new products to the market place (actually improvements to old ideas).
Make it Easy Toothpaste Dispenser
Gozunder Toilet Seat Riser
And a few flicks and commercials I’ve had a part in:
My Lincoln’s Ghost collection and book:
Two independent films I had parts in as Jacob Hamblin and Temple Elder:
Other videos done over several years at: https://www.youtube.com/user/leobennachoben1/videos
And made by my son James I’m in the Lincoln’s Ghost ones, You’ve been Warned, It’s a Terrible Life, Night Before Christmas:
And a few non-speaking seconds in:
Other videos I’ve made are at:
Sounds like a lot but not really.
Hope it won’t bore you to view some of them.