“Under Red Cliffs” a poetry Anthology
Posted by jaybeacham on 11 Feb 2017 | Tagged as: blog
Under Red Cliffs poetry anthology is a collections poems written by Jay Beacham Of Ivins, Utah…
Start reading on your kindle in a minute. I was finally able to correct those errors I talk about in the video.
Here’s where the book is for the kindle edition.
“I was just able to correct the spelling errors on the Kindle edition.
when it goes live in a couple of days folks can get it on Kindle readers for $9.99 a copy.
A former sister in law of mine bought a kindle edition with the mistakes but she said she didn’t care about the mistakes.
Before it was so difficult to make corrections but today it was very easy to do. Their system must have been improved since I first published it last year.
Also the e-book is available at:
And as of January 2017 an audio version of the book is available for $20 per cd.
Get your audio cd or soft back book at http://jaybeacham.com/
“No Room for a Cow” @ https://youtu.be/yV937yfhCYU is one of the lyric poems in song form.
Good News, the bank gave me a modification to the loan so the pressure is off but I still have books to sell. Get yours today!
So I’m selling my poetry book for $20 a copy plus $5 shipping
Order your copy by email or use https://www.paypal.me/alBeacham
or send a check or money order to:
Jay Beacham
85 East Center
Ivins, Utah 84738
If people want to see the cover and read some,
they can go to: http://lnkd.in/SUVdrs
Under Red Cliffs a poetry book by Jay Beacham
“Some good poems in there.”-Maynard So.
“I really enjoyed the book.”-Marilyn Sm.
Order yours today!