Save the trees

Posted by on 30 Jan 2019 | Tagged as: blog

When I was one or two, my father bought 11 acres west of Ivins, Utah.

Today I own the west part of what is left of that acreage.

My father farmed the ground and so do I.

Along the road on the west side is a row of trees.

June 29 18 fences 007Farm trees and Road cracks Oct 2017 018Farm trees and Road cracks Oct 2017 020September 2018  farm road St G Live 002

They provide beauty, a wind break, and a bird sanctuary.

One old tree was always the roosting place for eagles, hawks,  crows and even vultures.

I’ve seen a bald eagle and an American eagle in the same tree at the same time. They are spooked easily so I only was able to get a photo of  the bald eagle flying away.

The town of Ivins  annexed the  land west of it in the 1980s including my farm.

The road became 600 west.

It has been a dirt road, graveled in places, since it was opened. 

It is a natural drainage  and muddy in wet weather.

Now the city has decided to give 600 west to a developer and move his new road with it’s 

new name to the east,  giving the developer the west side of the old road.

This would cut out all the trees on the west of my farm, even peach trees.

road ends 1Sept 8 2018  farm road 001Aug 31 2018  farm road 020road ends


There is no need to move the road.

And why the design to remove trees?

Why have trees?

“Trees produces oxygen that is life line of all living beings. In the hot summer we usually plan trips in the hilly areas. But if the rate of cutting Trees remains the same then we don’t have enough Trees to plan a trip, seasonal raining and amount of fresh oxygen will no longer be available. Trees helps to clean the air, soil and water,  making the earth a beautiful livable place. Living close to trees makes us healthier and happier. Its time to SAVE Trees, protect forests and spread awareness. If you want to save trees, you can help by protecting those that grow around your home, and planting more Trees. Reduce the use of  paper products, too. According to our little understanding we have found few ways to protect Trees, you can also follow them ,motivate your friends and family members to join hands together to save our beautiful earth or you can join an organization working to save Tress around your home town.” –

Other organizations that seek to preserve trees are:


We must save trees for the benefit of mankind.

So, who is for saving my trees? 

The trees are alive! Yikes!

Posted by on 15 Mar 2016 | Tagged as: blog

Sixteen years ago the road in front of my house was widened.  In the process four of my mulberry trees were torn out.

The contractors were related to me and kindly moved the torn out trees to a vacant lot to the west of my house.
I was able to then cut them up for firewood.
It took me a while with chainsaw, axe, and wedges over several weeks to get the task completed.
As I neared the end, one stump kept dulling my chain saw blade in just a minute or two.
Finally I gave that up and took the wedges and sledge hammer and split the log.
In so doing the culprit for dulling the chain was revealed. It was a metal rat tail file.
The file was still in good shape except for the spot where it and the saw chain had met.
A distant cousin of mine had grown up in the house where I live, his parents being the people who built the house.
I told him about my experience and he said, “I always wondered what happened to that file.”
Left in the crouch of the tree, it had in the ensuing years become completely encased by the tree with no outward sign that anything was inside.
This evening I told that story to C. Asay,  a retired veterinarian doctor.
He told of a horse shoe he once placed in a tree and over the years watched as “the tree ate it”.
“That may be a problem for someone like the file someday.” he said.
My goodness, the trees are alive. Yikes!
There may then be a lot of truth to the song that says “The hills are alive” if the trees do in fact slowly eat things.
I’ve seen photos of a bicycle grown over and high up in a tree and other things being encased by trees.
But the one I find most amusing is the one just west of the current county library in St. George, Utah on 100 South street.
Several years ago I saw and photographed a sycamore tree firmly holding a “No Parking” sign as if the tree was the natural frame for the sign.

I thought that was so true, one had better not park here to long or else the tree would get a hold on them.

Two weeks ago I was taking photos of the fine old houses on that tree lined street, one of the loveliest streets in town.
I noticed the sycamore tree too. But where was the sign? So I took a photo or two.

Upon examining the photos, it looks to me as though I can still see the letters of the sign in the smooth outside bark of the tree.

march 2016 013
That tree really meant it when it said “No Parking” for it ate the sign sure as shooting.

march 2016 014
What do you think?

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