November 2009
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jaybeacham 28 Nov 2009 | : blog
jaybeacham 20 Nov 2009 | : blog
ON November 18 I did a show, stories and song at the Temple View RV Park.
It was the weekly Potluck program. They “enjoyed it” and were very forgiving of my forgetfulness and that of the piano player. Next time will be better.
Tonight I video taped the ” Bag Full of Miracles” play by the Senior Class Act Theater group at the Sun River theater. The last night. Second time for me to see it. Very good. Christen Olsen also taped it. Between the two of us we got the whole show on tape.
jaybeacham 12 Nov 2009 | : blog
On 15 of July, I posted the following:
I just finished reading “2 day acne cure” an e-book available for purchase from
It is a very good book and advises good health regime. I wish I had written it.
You should get it and try the program.
I don’t have acne now but feel that this program could help me feel better and have healthier skin too.”
But it seems that most people would rather keep buying solutions for years than to learn how to change their life style and solve the problem permanently for a lot less money.
E-book tells how:
Find a link here and some information about it.
jaybeacham 12 Nov 2009 | : blog
I attended the Wensday Night concert. Brodie Perry and friend Chris Shuck(no program was provided so I may be miles off on the spelling)(who sang two solos while dressed in his military uniform. Also three women: Jenny Smith, Heidi Anderson, and Taz Murie sang solos or duets with Brodie or each other. The audience even got to join in on the last number. It was better than any TV concert, lasting one and a half hours, the audience did not grow tired of it and stood to applaud at the end.
Brodie is one of the best vocalists ever. And the others were very good.
jaybeacham 01 Nov 2009 | : blog
Warmer today October 31, Saturday and the warm shingles cut like warm butter even with a dull blade.