DJBeacham Art Gallery
Created by jaybeacham on 14 May 2018 | Tagged as:
DJBeacham Art Gallery – paintings and prints by Donald Joseph Beacham.
Order an original oil or a print on photo paper or canvas , or matted and/or framed.
sizes 11 inches x 9 inches and up
For prices:
contact me @
or him @
or buy at
Here are three examples of realistic works:
Cedar Breaks scene Grand Tetons scene Zion Park scene
Some framed paintings:

A canvass before framing:

For sale at $1500.00
Some other paintings can be seen in this video:
Here are some examples of other kinds of work:

. 15 inches wide 21 & 1/4 tall on masonite.
a study in colors\by 5 finger
in the surrealism tradition
Oil on cardboard.
with border to 18 1/2 x 13 1/2
call 435-628-7809

Works in progress:
North Rim Grand Canyon Oil Painting
for sale $600
Call 435-628-7809 or 435-272-7250

Hurricane Utah Garden Oil Painting
A 4ft x 3ft oil painting on Masonite.
Call 435-628-7809 or 435-272-7250

Siver Smithing work done by DJ Beacham
see more work by the artist at:
Teresa Lake of Nova Scotia said
April 20 at 5:42pm
“his work is very beautiful….very talented”
Today Cade Archibald said he liked the Titon print.