Farm Products (Al-Ginn Agricultural)

Alginn Logo 1a

-Bamboo (yellow clumping bambusa)

after shots and one before 006IMG032IMG026

video of grown clumping bamboo

video of a clumping bamboo hedge

Roots ($1 per shoot wholesale price)


tops for brooms, for decorations, for children’s fun ($2.00 each):

Cut green stalks ($5 each per 10 feet length)

Also shorter lengths for less.

uncut $3 each

6 24 2018 cut bamboo 002

6 24 2018 cut bamboo 001Cut dried stalks (18 inch, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 foot lengths separately  or in bundles of 25)

1/2 inch Diameter:

3 ft.-$8

4 ft.- $10

5 ft. – $12

6 ft. – $18 (or $1.00 per 6 foot piece)

7 ft. -$21

8  ft. -$25

1 inch Diameter:

3 ft. – $20

4 ft. – $25

5 ft. – $30

6 ft. – $35

7 ft. – $40

8 ft. – $45

9 ft. – $50

10ft. – $55

plus shipping

Root clusters (cost determined by size)

Mulch ($40 per cubic yard)

Flower tassels  $2 each


fence panels made to order

6 27 2018 bamboo panel 003

6 27 2018 bamboo panel 001

bamboo panel and pumpkin 003

Wind chimes can be made from cut bamboo:

Bamboo by James has become Virginia Chimes.

made with bamboo and metal tubes.

order  “Virginia Chimes”  here.


Mulch sells for $65 per 27square feet (1 cubic yard)


Some uses for bamboo that can be fun are outlined in the song

“Me Ol’ Bam Boo”  from the movie “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang”


-Devil’s Horn Seed pods

034000140166Aug 2018 self and devil horns 002Aug 2018 self and devil horns 008

-Peaches -fruit and trees.

-Pomegranate-fruit and trees

-Prickly Pear plants, leaves, fruit

4 27 2018 bamboo shoots on Kee side of wall 002

-Peach trees DSC00359DSC00743 DSC00389 DSC00742

-Apricot trees DSC00729

6 20 2020 apricots and flowers 001

-Pomegranate  bushes



Sweet Tart

Loquat trees (Japanese or Chinese plum)

June 18 18 flowers metal 007DSC00741DSC00720


-Catalpa trees (lady cigar tree)

Image result for catalpa tree images

flower tree 004

Cactus:  prickly pear fruit and leaves, potted Beaver Tail, and other cactus

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Potted roses: gallon , 2 gallon, 5 gallon

potted roses in bloom 003

3 14 2018 potted rose bushes 003

Call 435-628-7809


Or pay: