Do you need DNA  tests to learn of your heritage? No!

There has been much said of late by DNA testing companies that people need them to learn their heritage, where they came from.

Don’t buy it.

You can learn much on the free Family search sites and much free information all over the internet and in written records worldwide.

Do you have some time?

Check out this site:

It’s free to sign up and use.

Genealogists world wide have amassed great volumes of records of our ancestors.

These records on many sites can take us back to Adam and Eve.

The DNA pushers say we originated much earlier with the animals.  They are wrong.

Get your line into royalty, Hebrew records, Chinese records and you can get family lines back many thousands of years and in some instances back to Adam and Eve.

Do you need DNA tests?


They are fun and interesting but not necessary, so save your money and search the records.

Learn about your ancestors free by spending a little time.

Here are some of some of my ancestors that I found:

William Brewster 11th Great Grandfather on the 1st  Mayflower voyage to North America

Wyandanch (Wise Speaker) of the Montauk Tribe 11th Great Grandfather

some English Kings:

Henry VIII 13th Great Grandfather

Edward IV King England 14th Great Grandfather

James IV 14th Great Grandfather

Ralph Grammaticus (The Latinist) of Featherstone Co., Yorkshire. He is recorded in the Domesday Book 1086.

Esau, Judah, Joseph Judah’s brother and many more from records.

I didn’t need DNA tests to find this out.