I’ve been with My World Plus for several years and the coupons, discount card, and cash back programs were great  and at first the savings paid for the $19.95 a month fee.  And I had 7 cool websites to boot.  My daughter was able to use the coupons and my older brother too.  And every now and again I’d get a check in the mail.  It wasn’t much because I never did get anyone signed under me.  But with the savings and the small check it was worth it.

Then something happened.  A notice that the coupons were no longer available.

I inquired and got some timely responses.  I’ll include them all.  Then tell what I did.

Apr 16
Hello Jay,

We received your voice message.
You are correct and many members have opted to cancel since the main product is no longer available. We are able to offer you a refund for your last charge and cancel your account. Is that what you would like to do?

Thank you and have a great day,
MWP Support

To MyWorldPlus Support

Apr 16

What does that mean?

Are the discount coupon lists no longer available?
What is or was the main product?
Please inform.
Thank you.
Jay Beacham
Apr 16
Hello Jay,
Yes, that is correct. The coupons are no longer available.
To MyWorldPlus Support
Apr 17
is the discount card still good?
Is the cash back still good?
Apr 18
Hello Jay,
These products are no longer available.
Thank you and have a great day,
MWP Support
To MyWorldPlus Support
 Apr 18
One last question, I have some commissions due though not at $8 mark yet. Will I receive those if I cancel?
Oh and what products are there?
Jay Beacham
Apr 21
Hello Jay,
Checks are sent once commissions reach $8.00 on active accounts only.
We do not have any plans to add new services.
Thank you and have a great day,
MWP Support

To MyWorldPlus Support

Apr 22

Yes, please cancel my membership and refund my payment.

Thank you.
Jay Beacham
Apr 22
Your MyWorldPlus account has now been canceled. We have issued a refund for your last charge. Please allow 7-10 business days for the refund to post. Your account is closed and you will no longer be billed.
Thank you and have a great day,
MWP Support 

As of  today, May 3,  I’ve not been reimbursed.  Maybe they meant 7-10 business days beacuse it has been 11 calendar days so far.  But they didn’t charge my account again.  But it seems if they owe me anything, it should be paid to me and not until some minimum is reached.  That is a way to cheat reps.
So I  canceled it.
No products.
Then what?
Are any companies in business for the long haul?
I delete all the links to My World Plus.
It was good while it lasted.
Another internet based business bites the dust and dies for me.
Until next time.