Poor thing’s got his mother’s genes
Posted by jaybeacham on 29 Apr 2010 at 04:00 pm | Tagged as: blog
A married woman of 34 with four children wrote this about her fight with pimples-acne: I remember that I was very self conscious and felt like the pimples were big red signs on my face saying look at me!! I had a hard time looking people in the eyes because I thought that all they were looking at was the pimples. I really would have preferred to stay home all the time so that I didn’t have to worry about people looking at me. It seemed as though all my friends had such nice skin.” This may be less appealing than a lotion but what would you be willing to pay to get such an answer to your embarrassment and distress? Consider that and if you’d be willing to pay to know about a 2 day cure for acne then follow this link and read how you can obtain that knowledge. |