The Best Social Site I’ve Found
Posted by jaybeacham on 21 Mar 2023 at 06:36 pm | Tagged as: blog
In February 2012, I made a blog post called:
Is there a best Social Network?“
Social Networks.
I have been on My Space the longest.
Then Facebook, Stumbleupon, Twitter, Linkedin, etc.
When I didn’t record more on My Space K-solo Karaoke site, a fellow singer invited me to SingSnap.
I’ve been on Karaoke Play, Karaoke for Cash, Karaoke Channel. K-solo, and Sing Snap.
I like Twitter and my connections with people on a number of other sites.
And for the time my daughter has lived in the South Pacific, I’ve found Facebook invaluable in keeping in touch with her. She messaged me from Figi today. Weather is sunny and no rain so the plane may leave as scheduled.
I’ve run into many problems at some of these sites.
but the most frustrating ones seem to be at Facebook.
Let me explain some of those with my post, the responses and my take on things as follows: – link- go to this link and subscribe.”
The link is no longer any good.
There have been many changes since then.
Stumbledupon is no longer. My Space was sold and that blog feature doesn’t exist now. I was blocked from Facebook but a hacker from Texas was allowed into my personal and two business pages. I need two phase verification but the hacker didn’t. One of my former email providers doesn’t provide email service now, so I can’t get a verification from them and can’t change email addresses without logging in, which I can’t do. So why even go there? If I create a new account, I still won’t be able to get to the former three pages. This could be solved if a real person could be contacted which Facebook doesn’t allow.
So for me none of those former sites are not an option.
Also that year in January, I wrote and asked others on Facebook about our experiences:
Question of all friends:
How do you respond to this?
“We received feedback that you sent friend requests to people you don’t know, so you won’t be able to send friend requests for 30 days. Learn more.””If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know.”
If I try to request a friend of someone I know I get this message.
How does one “let us know”?
Can’t even send a message to my own brother because I can’t possibly know him.
I know a girl, her grandfather sings with me in the Master Singers, I knew his parents, know his brothers and sister, but fb claims I can’t know them because we have no mutual friends. But I get hundreds of “why not add as friends suggestions from fb for people I’ve never heard of just because we have mutual friends.
Do these actions by fb make any sense to anyone?
Some responses:
Accalia Hancey Hinton: Strange… I don’t know, maybe close your account and start a new one??
January 29 at 1:56am
Relle Hansen: I’ve made a few requests that were not friends of friends when I found them by facebook search, but maybe they’ve changed their policy, though they still offer “search friends”. Could you make requests via Email address? That’s how I got my first friends – imported from my Email contacts list….
January 29 at 2:11am ·
Jay Beacham I’ll try that Relle.
January 29 at 2:14am ·
Steve Brunton: Isn’t this called a social networK? I have made a lot of friends that I wouldn’t of known had I not sent out friend invites to friends of friends but apparently if someone complains, which I don’t understand why they would, all they have to do is decline, big brother facebook steps in and cuts you off from sending out anymore. Apparantly, if someone doesn’t respond in a timely manner it is considered you sending someone a request you don’t know. I have had this happen as well Jay. The other thing is, they do this and there is no way to fight it, it is like guilty before innocent. Maybe it’s time to start a petition like they did to get the banks to back down from adding fees. I am glad you brought this up, it has bothered me as well.
January 29 at 7:58am ·
Relle Hansen: Another tactic might be, when you do know the prospective fb friend, to call them or ask them in person, giving them your E address to “friend” YOU! Or you can Email them the request if you have their E address…
January 29 at 2:09pm ·
Sandy Davison: Wow, that’s crazy. A request for a friend is just that. They can always deny it! They don’t know what they are missing, Jay!
January 29 at 2:40pm ·
Jay Beacham: ofttimes I don’t know the e-mail address. That is what linkedin demands. Like I ask people for their email address and not their phone number.
January 30 at 1:12am ·
Jay Beacham: Almost as if a person doesn’t exist unless they have an email address and everyone knows what it is, as if there were directories published like phone books telling us everyone’s email address. Let’s start one of those and put it out in hard copy. Steve, I like your idea of a petition. Where do we start to petition FB?
January 30 at 1:16am ·
Jay Beacham: Do you folks mind if I use your ideas in my weekly video blog?
January 30 at 1:17am ·
Steve Swapp: No, they don’t. It’s nonsense. If someone doesn’t want to be my friend on Facebook, it’s easy for them to deny my request. February 2 at 3:05pm
One of them said go ahead.
FB won’t let me contact my younger brother or the guy who stands or sits next to me in the men’s chorus we’re in because I don’t know them.
But 90% of the friend requests I get on facebook are from people I don’t know but have mutual friend with.
Does FB believe that mutual friends is the only way to know people?
And the tech help?
No one to email or call at FB. How do I “let us know” as the message said?
I have no way.
At My Space, Tom, the boss, emails all the newbies and welcomes them to MYSpace.
At Sing Snap Trevor, the boss, video messages everyone on a regular basis telling of contests, events, or other happenings at SingSnap.
If I have a tech problem, I get a response from a real person within 24 hours to help me solve my problem
We all have the common interest in the love of singing.
If I record a song and people come to comment on it, I listen to a recording or more of theirs and comment and visa versa.
There is messaging, which is as good as online chat.
If someone is ill, prayers, songs, and messages of support go out to that person.
Links are shared and people follow them whether to a SS spot or
to somewhere else on the net.
And people are helpful. If they find something good, they share and no one is offended.
People become real friends even off line who didn’t know each other before Sing Snap.
A world of difference between Sing Snap and FB.
Of the two, Sing Snap wins as the best social network.
There are others that are okay and there are those who really don’t care about the people in the network.
The other day I was in a $Tree store and a lady at the check out stand in front of me asked the clerk if the store
carried balloons that sang Happy Birthday.
No was the reply,
“I’ve got to have one for my husbands birthday.”
The lady just in front of me said her husband had bought her one several years back at Albertsons for $6.
“Oh thank you”, came the reply and she left.
Then the clerk at the next register asked if my clerk had told the lady about the Party Store as that is where she had found that item.
No, she hadn’t thought of it.
To this I said to my clerk, as I got to the register, that this was true word of mouth advertising and no one was offended
but grateful for the information.
“Yes”, she said, unlike the internet where people are offended if anyone shares such useful information with them.
Sing Snap is like that experience within the store.
People at Sing Snap like people and enjoy helping each other and are grateful for the help.
It is March 21. 2023 today.
As of today, SingSnap is the best I’ve ever found.
Last year I had a question about my fee to be a gold member for this year. I was able to speak to someone on the phone and get my answer.
(You can sign up for free to listen and comment and record the songs from the free list, so you don’t have to pay, unless you want access to all the songs available to record.)
My primary email provider,, even had a phone number I could call to resolve a problem.
Sing Snap still is the best site that I have found.
I love reading your material!!!!!!! Big hugzzzzzzzzzzzz and thanks!!!!!!!!!!
Bee A.