October 2009
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jaybeacham 29 Oct 2009 | : blog
It has been windy and cold in Utah’ Dixie for several days.
I’ve been re-shingling the north side of some friends’ roof.
“Why don’t you work in the mornings?” I was asked.
Well, when asphalt shingles are cold they don’t scuff up when walked on by installers and the cellophane strip on the back come off easily but they become stiff and are very hard to cut with a utility knife. Shingles need to be cut to fit around pipes and vents and on the sides of the roof. A certain amount of heat is needed.
Tip: When possible, plan re-roof and roofing projects using asphalt shingles from late spring to early fall to avoid cold temperatures.
Besides, the shingle tabs can melt into the glue strips when the weather is warm and cannot when it is cold. Problem here is that winds could take tabs and even shingles off that are not sealed down.
jaybeacham 29 Oct 2009 | : blog
In October 2008, I built up some flat sections of a roof that were lower than the drains on the sides of the roof. I used felt and liquid roof coating over tapered plywood. The product we got was a water borne asphalt. Because the weather was cool, the felt wrinkled badly and couldn’t even be flattened with nails. What to do? We had to wait until the hot summer. The rolls and wrinkles in the felt completely fattened out when the moisture in the asphalt was able to dry out, thus drying the felt out and letting it lay flat.
Tip: If the cheaper water borne asphalt product must be used, do the work during summer’s heat.
jaybeacham 24 Oct 2009 | : blog
I can’t say that the quote exactly fits my situation, but I feel a lot like what Erza Taft Benson said at one time: “To busy making history to write about it.”
I have been busy since the last entry with much work and other activities.
Sang in “The One Song Wonder Quartet” with David Watson(His title for the group), Stuart Spendlove, and Dale Larkin with a counter song by Kalin Snow. Our second year of “Lida Rose from Music Man and Marion ” for the Golden Generation luncheon during Homecoming Week at Dixie State College in St. George Utah. Have done several special tours and an appearance with other St. George Live actors as Brigham Young. Sang a solo in church with the ward choir, harvested the October peaches and irrigated even today for the last time this season, filed the tax report for 2008, and done many other financial things in order to stay afloat, helped son James by acting in his film entry for the Guerilla film fest for Oct. 30th with brother Stan, John Drewry, Jake Schaubelt( I sing in the film), and still put countless hours into voice over auditions and reading and deleting email messages online, etc.
Am even getting a back log of work again. Even a story telling engagement for a private school on the 30th of Oct. where I’ll portray pioneer Jacob Hamblin and tell other stories as I guide the students from the Hamblin to the old fort and corral and pioneer cemetery in Santa Clara, Utah.
Things are on the up.