November 2011

Monthly Archive

Lincoln’s Ghost show 2009 links free

17 Nov 2011 | : blog

On Saturday 15th, I started to share the links to the promo video and the 5 part series that has been available on  You Tube for 2 years. I’m hoping for more views and to generate interest in the 2010 which is out on dvd and the 2011 show soon to be out on dvd.

Those dvds sell for $20.00 plus shipping.


Matt Howe  

 “Jay – you look just like him!!!”


Howe Insurance Brokerage

321 N. Mall Drive, Suite R108

St. George, UT 84790


Sandy Davison wrote on 11/16/11:

  • Your videos, the series on The Ghost of Lincoln, are wonderful. I enjoyed each and wish I would get the opportunity to see it in person. Do you plan on doing such an arrangement of the Character again? I just wanted to let you know how much it was enjoyed. I live in the Salt Lake area and would attend a presentation if you come this way.


    Can’t wait to see what you think of this.

New Product page-I Love To Sing

10 Nov 2011 | : blog

New Product page-I Love To Sing Karaoke recordings in volume 1 on cd.

These songs were recorded on Karaoke sites online, starting in 2008 and up to the present. Some of these sites don’t exist anymore. I put some songs on my Jay’s Discount store to let people hear and many went there just to hear the singing. Now you don’t need to turn a computer on to hear some of my singing.

I started singing as a child and people have asked me to sing on many occasions, in groups, choirs, plays etc. either in the chorus or as a soloist. I’ve sung Barbershop to Opera. while selling Lincoln’s Ghost dvds, many have asked me if there was singing on it. “No. Lincoln didn’t sing,” I’d reply.  So here is the singing. I’ve published cassette tapes in the past but now everyone wants things on cd.  Well here is the singing on cd.

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