August 2013
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jaybeacham 14 Aug 2013 | : blog
I just finished reading this book. I’d been asked to read and review it as a portrayer of Lincoln by an ardent Lincoln enthusiast. She asked me if I’d learned anything new. Yes I had.
Like most books there were spelling errors and in one chapter misstated dates that the proof reader had failed to correct. But it didn’t ruin the reading.
One thing annoyed me and that was the restating of some points over and over again.
The same could have been said in a shorter way and still have gotten the point over.
What did I learn? I learned about a recurring dream Mr.Lincoln had prior to major happenings during the war. I found that very interesting.
As with all books, I took notes. And some of that information that I haven’t used in prior shows, I will use in future shows portraying Mr. A. Lincoln.
I recommend your reading
Abraham Lincoln: God’s Humble Instrument
-Jay Beacham