June 2016
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jaybeacham 10 Jun 2016 | : blog
Misdiagnosis & Wrong Medication usage.
My father, Don Beacham Sr., died after heart surgery.
The doctor called me on the phone after he died.
“If I’d known his heart was in that bad of shape,
I never would have operated.”
The operation a success but the patient died.
An acquaintance of mine, Debbie M., had stomach pain so she went to the doctor.
He told her that Ibuprofen (a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). …
Ibuprofen may also cause stomach or intestinal bleeding, which can be fatal)
should solve the problem.
After a year and a half of increasing stomach pain, her husband insisted that
she go to the emergency room when she couldn’t eat.
It was learned there that she had stage 4 stomach cancer.
She under went chemo-therapy for 8 months and died.
She may have had cancer growing at the start of the pain but the prescribed
medicine most likely aggrevated the problem.
A wrong diagnosis led to her death.
-Wrong Medication usage
This morning on Newsmax Health News online, I read about how singer-actor Kris Kristofferson
had been misdiagnosed by doctors and put on some drugs that had only aggravated the
memory loss and ill health. After a proper diagnosis and treatment, he is back to
normal memory and health.
How often does this happen?
Most of the time!
If someone has asthma, the docs say they are bound for lung disease, emphysema, COPD, or worse.
If someone has memory loss it must be because of Alzheimer’s or dementia.
If their joints ache, it must be arthritis.
If they have a tremor, it must be Parkinson’s.
“You’re just getting older. You have to expect…”
Most of the time, these doctors never test for these things, they just assume.
And all of the time they prescribe drugs that make health worse and can, when combined
cause greater problems, even death.
And who made the drugs?
When I was in Woodward Junior High School in St. George, Utah in the eight grade,
my home room class was on the north east of the main floor.
My instructor was Ross Taylor, the science teacher. On the strip above the caulk boards
little sayings were displayed. The one one that stands out in my mind after all these years was:
“Johnny was a chemist, now he is no more, what he thought was H20 was H2S04.”
Are grown chemists any smarter? Just because they use mice or other laboratory animals,
and the general public as their guinea pigs?
And what of drugs interactions?
A friend who rented from my in-laws in Cottage Grove Oregon, had been his high school
student body president and valedictorian.
His doctor prescribed a drug for a condition he had but failed to tell him of possible side effects.
One evening he drank a bottle of beer, it interacted with the drug and burned his brain.
This once very intelligent young man was now mentally a little boy. He could only work at menial
jobs as he wasn’t smart enough to do anything else. One evening, he cried to me, “I used to be smart.”
A sad case.
Another young friend got his hand blown up by a grenade. The hospital using the wrong medicine
killed him. But revived him later.
But he was now a paraplegic. A whole life and that of his family changed because of
a mis-prescribed drug.
How much different are our modern, adult chemists and their concoction pushers
than “Johnny” of the saying was?
Information taken from “The Canaries Are Dying”
jaybeacham 07 Jun 2016 | : blog
On May 27th I drove to the Maverick Center in West Valley City, Utah, a suburb of Salt Lake City,for the graduation exercises of the Granger High School class off 2016. Traffic and some rain slowed the traffic and I stopped to ask directions twice, but still got into the building just after the proceedings had started.
The place was packed and the sound rivaled any ball game or concert. That is poor quality and very noisy.
720 students graduated, largest class ever, I understand, for that high school.
A “ganz menge Leute” , I mean a whole lot of people. Many Hispanic, some African, some polyneisan, then the white and black and brown American kids.
My grandson Bryson was in the first row to get diplomas. I was on the side of the arena nearest him but still a long way away up in the bleachers. (Was do we call them that when the seats are in doors?)
Then a long wait before it was over with lots of noise for the graduates.
Outside was packed and it took me some time to find where the graduates came out.
By then they only had their caps and tassels left. and I forgot to get a photo of him though I did of his dad and bother and sister and mother.
Then back to my car at an Applebys near by and followed my son in his rental car to Bryson’s house.
His parents were divorced several years ago. I met Scott the step dad and their mother’s parents were there.
Formerly they lived in West Valley City but now live in South Carolina. I hadn’t seen them in years.
I got pictures of them but failed to get one of Bryson and his Dad, my son Alan.
But my daughter got one the next night and sent it to me. Bryson’s mom posted photos on facebook.
It baffles me how no one liked them on my page, not even relatives.
Here are some of the photos:
Bryson and the USA flag and Utah flag
Bryson in line waiting to get on stage for the presentation.
Bryson and his Dad.
Bryson was in the Madrigal singers who sang the National Anthem at the start. I missed that but saw a video someone posted of it.
Then on the 2nd of June I traveled to Woods Cross, Utah to my daughter’s residence and rode with them to the University of Utah Huntsman’s Center for her oldest son Mathieu’s graduation exercises for Woods Cross High 2016.
A much smaller class, only 382 graduates. And the noise was less and the sound better. It was all shorter and the grads came out afterwards in caps and gowns for photos. Between my daughter’s and her husband’s phone cams and my camera, more photos were taken.
Mathieu, mom and dad and three brothers and even me.
What to do after high school?
Plans are good but can change and should when inspired to change.
I changed my plans at about 20 and didn’t do one thing I’d planned on since age 12, but don’t regret that change.
I gave each of the boys some lists of famous people they are related to.
What one thinks of one’s self can be a great factor in determining what one does in life.
I included a copy of the blog post “My Pilgrim Ancestors” http://jaybeacham.com/2013/03/
What are your plans?
Catch you next time.