Do you want “a truly unforgettable voice

 to represent your company?

Do you want an amazing voice to market your products?

You’ve come to the right place. Voice as an  Instrument


Jay Beacham-Actor-Singer- Voice Talent

(actor, singer, Voice Over talent in English and German, translator-German, story teller, online sales, farm, construction-maintenance)

Go to the testimonial page: Voice as an Instrument » Testimonials

Olivia O. said she wanted to “listen to your magical voice

My voice story:


Speaking Voice

“Wow!! You’ve got a beautiful speaking voice!! Has anyone told you, you should be on Radio? When I realized you weren’t singing the song but instead speaking the lyrics, I almost stopped listening but your voice is undeniably captivating. Before I knew it, I had listened to you tell a remarkable story. I’m in the presence of a Master Storyteller….I feel blessed. So glad I uploaded this song. Thank you for this amazing presentation. Danny

Sivie said: “Like your “ tv voice “ introduction”

“I think people would listen to your voice even if you just read the phone book”- Deb

“Your deep voice is always so relaxing.”-Wolf 



 contact me now for your voice work:

E-mail Phone: 1-435-628-7809

Payments or Donations can be made via PayPal

Or send check or money order to Jay Beacham, 85 East Center Str., Ivins, Utah 84738


This web site is to tell you about the voice of Jay Beacham (“a good, strong, true voice” said Corrine Applegate)  and how he uses it and where you can hear it.

“a truly unforgettable voice..”, said Brenda Armstrong of Texas. “”You have a way of reaching the listener like no body else an artist painting a picture with words though. Beautiful as it gets.”


“Love to pieces! You have the nicest voice!!! “-BA

“A heaven sent voice.”-Ben Arnold(Chatfellow CEO)  “Jay Beacham has one of the best voices in America. That’s a bold statement if you don’t love the sound of a father, grandfather, Santa Claus, Abraham Lincoln, a deep base and baritone country singer, a peaceful and relaxing conversation on the radio during a long drive or between songs while going about your day, that feels like old fashioned home cooking in the oven or Thanksgiving meal or beside a crackling home chimney fire place sipping hot cocoa and marshmallows cozy under the blanket with soft  lights blinking on the evergreen tree. That’s how it feels when Jay Beacham speaks.”

(read more of Ben Arnold’s thoughts in the comments below)

Do you still do radio work? You have such a great broadcasting speaking voice. I think you should send your talking demos to the BIG stations across America. Your voice has that “it” factor. It’s phonogenic.
hugs from Gregory Brown

Hear some voice demos :

Some comments:
“I feel like you should be famous worldwide. I won’t compare you to anyone I have heard because your voice work speaks for itself. (Pun intended.”-Cindy of North Carolina

Susie of Scotland said:

“Anyone tell you that you have the perfect “voice over” voice? Amazing! Sounds likes an advert before you start to sing!”

Then after hearing v.o. demos: “I’m not surprised to hear you did voice overs as your voice has so much depth and sounds amazing … it’s certainly very captivating! Wow! I love the “Multi-sound various Styles” recording. You’re so very talented my friend!”


Listen to the Voice introduction to this page under the microphone at the bottom of this page.

There are the links blogroll, the photos link, and text links at the bottom of the page.    Go to the links now or keep reading and then go to the links.


Need a narrator, voice over guy, voice talent, radio voice, a DJ voice, vocalist, voice actor, stage actor, screen or TV actor, German and English, German translator (German to English or English to German) ?


This is a site about the voices of Jay Beacham of Ivins, Utah for hire and about his voice activities .

Here about my voice journey:

Contact Jay Beacham

E-mail Phone: 435-628-7809

Payments or Donations can be made via PayPal

Or send check or money order to Jay Beacham, 85 East Center Str., Ivins, Utah 84738

Leave your comments at the bottom of this and the other pages.

There are some products (most of song recordings on this page are on the cds on the product pages) listed at the top right as well as a rate schedule.

Hear the voices of Jay Beacham at links to voice over demos under links blogroll, “Hear me do voice overs”, or by clicking on the photo of the microphone below for his Voice123 demos. 

Be sure to Bookmark this page and return often.

If you are serious about getting a good voice for your project, following a few links won’t stand in your way.


Hear some voice work:


Jay said, “People still comment that they listened to the radio station I worked for, just to listen to me and its been over 40 years since I worked there.”

“YOU HAVE A BEAUTIFUL VOICE “! (Radio & Recording Voice)(These are unsolicited comments from real people not customers but the listening public.)

Philip Q. said,  “I can hear why you’d be great on the radio, the deep warmth of your voice is soothing.”

From a client about a voice project April 2018: 

“Hurray!!  The presentation is wonderful. I sound so very successful.!!!  The speaker has a very dynamic voice filled with expression. Very easy to understand and the great thing is, is that he expresses a pure and positive energy…  Hurray, hurray, we are on our way ,hi ho, hi ho ,its off to success we go !!!
Suzann 🙂 “
“Wow!! You’ve got a beautiful speaking voice!! Has anyone told you, you should be on Radio? When I realized you weren’t singing the song but instead speaking the lyrics I almost stopped listening but your voice is undeniably captivating. Before I knew it I had listened to you tell a remarkable story. I’m in the presence of a Master Storyteller….I feel blessed. …. Thank you for this amazing presentation.”- Danny O. said about a recording of  “The Touch Of the Master’s Hand.

 “MY goodness, Jay, you have one of the most awesome speaking voices I have ever heard. Geez, I thought it was an announcer announcing your song.


Singing Voice


See recordings playlists Voice as an Instrument » Products Page cd Playlists


“You have a great voice my friend and did an awesome job with this old classic song. Your vocals are very concise and silky smooth. Great job… …” -Raymond

“wunderschön… in English is it a dream… *smiles 😉
egal was du singst jay, es hört sich super an!!
hugs sigrid”

Jay 2

I love your singing voice, too, and you are sooooooo flagged.

This was awesome.

Very lovely” Bonnie

About “Tips of my Fingers” 

Also about this recording:  “You have the most wonderful voice Jay, and these lyrics are beautiful and moving….” Lyndyann

  Jan-B  on Feb 15, 2012 at 9:28 AM



(Here’s an example of what she spoke of:   Take Me Home, Country Roads  (Michele located in Australia  also commented on this song  Good stuff,like the intro )

Jan-B  on Feb 15, 2012 at 9:17 AM



Bethsaid: LOVE this song!! ….and you sound great on it! ….anyone ever told you you would be a number ONE radio announcer? You have that kind of voice! =)

The song Beth  spoke of “Rocky Mountain High”  Hear the recording at:

Fred Erick said this about this recording of  “Georgy Girl”  July 1, 2012
I am now officially HOOKED TO YOUR SS STATION.
I  feel as if I  were  listening to a great  radio show from the late 60s early 70s.
and this song reminds me of my childhood.
I loved listening to it… I am officially hooked upon your SS station!
I love the information that you provide within your SS songs.
Its as if we were listening to BILLBOARD ONLINE…LIVE!
As a fan of Cash box & Billboard since my childhood……… I’M HOOKED ON THIS STATION!”

Ilse H. says: Dang, your voice sounds so good!!! I think that is a great addition.   (She spoke of the audio intro to Jay’sDiscountStore a store that ended on March 10th 2012.

Amy M. says: Sounds great! Good Job

Alan F. says: The first one was just perfect, and sensational and professional. Whoever you chose as spokesman was just perfect.(Alan, that was me.)

 brenda  brenda-a

 on 03-Dec-10 “you have a most awesome speaking voice like you should be talking on the radio as a host or something and of course you sing awesome too…” “I would love to hear you speak live at some have a most awesome voice I’ve ever heard and should be making lots of money like that Ted guy on youtube, your voice is better than his my friend.Bless you, Brenda (2nd comment on 18-Jan-11)

All I could think of is it would have been something amazing if you had been a preacher..cause you would have had so many listeners Jay..I just wonder if you had that little voice inside saying go preach MY Word..ok I just had to ask..your voice is from above, that I do know..and a gift to all mankind.   Preacher or not.  Such a beautiful voice and you can capture a heart with it.  I loved the video.

Maybe the winter has got you down, so this song about the Summer Wind ought to cheer you up.   “Ein Song den ich sehr mag… ganz phantastisch klingt er mit deiner Stimme!” – Edith

About a recording of the song “Detroit City”   “love the speaking part mmm mmm yeah I do!!”-Brenda said.    Beth said this about it: “I love how you talk!”

Ben Arnold said of this recording. “Always been one of my all time favorite songs. Now you’re my all time favorite singer!!!”

 April 22, 2011     Just visited your Voice123 web site my friend and had a listen to all your demo’s.

“What a great speaking voice and personality you have. I am very impressed with your voice but also the fact that you speak different languages and seem to be able to arise to most any occasion. Your natural flow when speaking and understanding how to place emphasis on key words is amazing. I loved all the demo’s. You have a great voice my friend. I enjoyed all your demo’s but especially announcing the Baseball game…You sounded like a pro for sure.” – Raymond

Under blogroll you will find links to different businesses where sound button were added: “Images of the Past”,  “The many faces and voices of Jay Beacham”. These folks made the above comments about the audio recordings at those sites  and two online singing sites.

Of his Singing Voice several people said:

 Sharon of Ca. described his voice as “smooth”.

 “Loved your smooth style”-Ray

Beth said:   “love your spoken instead of sung beginning!…you have a GREAT speaking voice too!”

Katrina said: “you sound like you are on the radio doing your show …. this is great performance.”

 beth said:

 LOVE this song!! ….and you sound great on it! ….anyone ever told you you would be a number ONE radio announcer? You have that kind of voice.

 Jimmy said:


Stephen said in Jan. 2012: Jay, Nice job very smooth voice. You also have a great speaking voice. Like the way you do the intros. You should be doing radio.

Robert of Utah said: “the most awesome bass voice.

PATRICIA: “you surely have a beautiful voice, and what a great job you did on this song, enjoyed my listen.” “Awesome singing.”

Jazmine said. “This one I think I love it the most, soooo smooth & I can tell you have put a lot of feelings into it. AWESOME SING!!!”


Bee of Louisiana said: “You have the nicest voice around! I love your voice. You have the most voice capabilities of any one I know! Love that bass voice! Too fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love listening to you!”  

About my recording of  “The Music of the Night”    Les T. said,  ” Great job, Jay. I somehow thought you would summons up the spirit of the Phantom from the depths of the old Garnier Opera House. And you aced it!   Best, Les. ”  

Bee A. said, ”  This is fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have the most voice capabilities of any one I know! You rock, Jay! I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bunches and oodles of stars!” 

Gregory B. commented on it: ” And that’s why I call him Mr. “Broad-Jay”. He was meant for the stage. Great, Sir!”~ Gregory”                                                                         Brian of Arizona said: “wish I could get my pipes down that low lol, cool voice”    

Dave said: “You have a really pleasing timbre to your voice.” 


About my recording of the Ray Stevens’ Classic: “Mississippi Squirrel Revival”     Aletha said:   “You’re right, nobody can do this song like Ray Stevens, but you sure did a mighty fine job on it anyways!!! I’ve never heard you speaking for this long a time on any of your other songs and I was really impressed by your speaking voice as well as your singing. You already knew that I love your singing voice.” 

On November 15, 2012, David said: “Yes there are a lot of words and the song is fast paced.   Thank you Dick Clark Beacham.  you have a real DJ’s voice Jay…about the November 11, 2012  recording Jay did of “The Pied Piper “   (The Original Artist was Crispian St. Peters)                                                                    About rendition of  “Old Man River” by UTLuvHeart

Hi Jay MDF.. Talk about The Best of ENTERTAINMENT and PROFESSIONAL ALL the way…. You Belong on Stage or

 Movies… What an Adaptable Voice of Gold My Friend.”

Loved This You are AMAZING… Thanks for Sharing This with Me/Us. You are a Very Very Talented Man & Friend… All Stars for a Star… Highly Enjoyed My Visit & Thank You Kindly for Yours..Deeply Appreciated. Wishing You & Yours a Great & Happy Weekend.. Your Friend & Fan~~Donna                                             

About cover of “Time After Time”     

Gina Montgomery “WOW! I just simply LOVE your voice whether you are speaking or singing Jay! Did you used to be a DJ? You have the BEST radio voice. So soothing……..LOVED THIS!

And she said this about “I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major General”
“WHAT A TALENT YOU ARE!!!!!!!!! I don’t think I’ve ever heard you sing one SO FAST and with a different voice! “

They Called the Wind Mariah

The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance

November 2015 a girl in Ulster,  Northern Ireland called me a “Belter”

Here are two belted songs:

Don’t Cry Out Loud  

Bring Me Sunshine


And my singing voice in German:  

Tausend gute Grunde

Beth S. from SingSnap Karaoke site asked after listening to a German song, “so how many languages is it that you know anyway?”

Answer: “I speak English and German and teach German privately.
Yiddish and Hebrew are similar to German (as are Dutch and Afrikaans).
Italian and Japanese are easier for me and Spanish.
Creole and Gullah have French and Indian roots and are not hard for me to say the words.
Whereas, French is hard because of the way words are said so differently from how they are spelled.
Even Beacham was once the French Beauchamp (Beau cham) or Fairfield.
My daughter married a French speaker and she and their 4 boys speak French.
So I suppose I should learn it.
But speak English and German.
I get bored with the selection of SS songs, so singing in other languages, if I like the words, message, and melody, is a fun challenge to do something different.”

I’ve also recorded in Japanese, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Russian, Greek.  Need to add some others.

Zurich 1971

Here are some:

Running Bear as done in German is  “Brauner Bär” the German way as sung by Gus Backus but of course by me this time. “Supeeeerrrrr!!!!sehr schöööönneeeee gesungen gefählt mir wie du das gesungen” -Dana

Or the Reinhardt Mey classic Uber Den Wolken”     ” Super gesungen Jay – prima! Hugs Marina!”; “Großartig, liebe diesen Song auch. Das ist wirklich klasse gesungen. Your german is perfect. Have you ever been here in old germany ? Gruesse aus Hamburg.”-DiMucci

OrGanz in Weiss” a Roy Black favorite done by Jay:       “Hi again oh yes absolutely wonderful song …. so lovely !Hugs Marina!************** Dein deutsch ist wirklich sehr gut!”

 “Ein Stern Der Deinen Namen trägt              “Wooohowwwwww Jay , you aced this. This has been running up and down the charts for a long time. I love this tune and you done a grand sing here !!!!!!!!!” -Tina; “SUUUPPPEEERRRR Gesuunnggeeennnn”-Dana; “Echt klasse. *************” -Dimucci-

 Noch eines Lied auf Deutsch ist “Tausend Gute Grunde”.      “TAUSEND GUTE GRÜNDE ZUZUHÖREN ~ SUPER GESUNGEN JAY ~ HUGS MARINA!”     “Agree with Marina 1000 Gründe deine lieder zu hören.” -Tina   “Ein schönes Lied ist das..Klasse hast du es gesungen… ein absoluter Hörgenuss! Greetings Edith”

Sag mir wo die Blumen sind    


“So leb dein Leben”          “DU SINGST SUPER ~ GEFÄLLT MIR SEHR” MARINA!

“Immer Wieder Lieb Ich Dich”   zur Melodie “Love Me Tender”

Guten Morgen Jay  “WOW … ich habe dieses Lied noch nie in Deutsch gehört …… wie schön, dass du es in meiner (unserer?) Muttersprache singst….. klingt richtig schön
Und danke für deine lieben Kommentare … ich habe mich sehr darüber gefreut.Never heard this song in German ….. it´s wonderful that you sing this in my (our?) mother tongue .. it sounds very good.
Thank´s for your nice comment…… I really appreciate itAnd many thanks for your information about the song ….. that was very interesting
Lovely greetings from Bavaria “….. Liss

About Sag Mir Quando Sag Mir Wann” Sigrid said , “hast du traumhaft gesungen jay, einfach wunderschön…. gefällt mir sehr gut! i love it “

“Die Antwort weiss ganz allein der Wind.”      “

Du singst das Lied auch richtig gut.. deine deutsche Aussprache ist klasse, lieber Jay!

Und so lasse ich dir ganz viele Sterne hier!”- Edith

Wenn ich einmal reich wär


  Darüber hat Edith aus Deutschland gesagt:

Jay, da du so phantastisch in deutscher Sprache singen kannst, schreibe ich dir auch in deutsch… ist auch leichter für mich! 

Das ist ein wirklich schweres Stück und du hast es hervorragend gemeistert. Du besitzt auch schauspielerische Talent! Es hat mir Freude gemacht deinem herrlichen Gesang aus *Anatevka* zuzuhören!*****   Gruß Edith

Sigrid of Germany spoke about a song, “Du”:

“Your German is super..
Gefällt mir sehr gut jay…
BRAVO sprechpart wunderschön.”

Voice Demo in German:


Singing Voice in other languages


And I’ve recorded some songs in other languages too.

“Quando, Quando, Quando  is an Italian pop song from 1962, in the bossa nova style, with music written by Tony Renis and lyrics by Alberto Testa.     “bravo …I am so happy you followed me and pronounce great the words in italiano ..ciao Jay ..alla prossima volta …”. Caterina your Italiana friend

a 1963 song “Il Mio Mondo” (“My World”) by Umberto Bindi, who co-wrote the Italian-language version with Gino Paoli.

Of  “Al Di La”, Annie Lamonte said:

“I could see that Michael had already been here…..This is my dialect (Neapolitan) and you did an OUTSTANDING performance here!!!!”

Beth S. of Georgia, USA said of : “Rojinkes Mit Mandeln (Raisins with Almonds), a Yiddish Lullaby, “sounds like a perfect lullaby”.

Thought I’d add this lovely Japanese song:

“Ue o Muite Arukou”– “(I) Will Walk Looking Up”)


“Hello Jay This was Brilliant Loved how you sang this Japanese song Loved it”

Hana Wa Saku

And French: Bye Bye Mon Amour

“French is hard but you get a big 9.8 on this… you aced it with brio !!!! bravo!”-Nan of Quebec.

Ce Monde

Or Russian

Dorogoy dlinnoyu (By the Long Road)

In a studio or at home



This web site is to tell you about the voices of Jay Beacham  and how he uses them and where you can hear them.

There are the links blogroll, the photos link, and text links at the bottom of the page.    Go to the links now or keep reading and then go to the links.

Don’t believe Ilse, Amy, or Alan and the others? That’s okay. Give a listen and make your own decision.

For Voice overs and narration, character voices, singing and jingles, in English and German; translations from German to English or English to German;  for Lincoln’s Ghost dvds and other products ; or for scheduling performances :

E-mail  at or call  1-435-628-7809

For Jay’s German Voice: Die Stimme als ein instrument, ihre Quelle für voice Arbeit.  Voice overs und Erzählung, Schilderung, Berichterstattung , character voices, Gesang und  Klingeln, Werbespruch mit Musik in Deutsch und Englisch, auch die übersetzung von Deutsch auf Englisch oder Deutsch nach Englisch.  (rate: $.07 per word.)         (Just call or email.)

For samples of his vocal cords in action in English and German  or at

Please go to the top of page to “contact us” to guest sign in, leave your name and email address, and he’ll send you a sample of his voice work for free.

Do you need a voice for your recording project?                

Well you’ve come to the right place!”

Can deliver voice work by phone, by email, online, by mail.


Mini bio:  

the voice of the mirror in Snow White

-the voice of God in another play                                                                   

-product overviews

-TV and radio ads and promos.

Hear some samples at the Voice123 link to the right under “Hear me do voice overs”                                                                                                                 -narrations and voice overs.

-announcer at KDXU radio St. George in the late Sixties early Seventies.

According to Hart Wixom(Outdoors writer for the Spectrum newspaper of St. George, Utah), a voice that ought to be preforming in Carnegie Hall, speaking or singing.

-character voices and acting (“I don’t try to impersonate the celebrities of today.”)



 “I do mostly monologues of pioneer characters:

Colonizer Brigham Youngbrigham young Jay Beacham (1)14890038,Peacemaker to the Indians Jacob Hamblin

frontiersman Ephriam Hanks), scriptural prophets( from Abraham to John the Revelator in the Bible , from Nephi to Moroni in the Book of Mormon),

Abraham Lincoln as the Ghost of Lincoln Lincolns Ghost 2009 

or buy the products on the Lincoln’s Ghost product pages.

Lincoln’s Ghost 2011  Thoughts on Life by Lincoln’s Ghost

 The Old Braggard, and The Old Settler and others.                         “I appear in period costume as that person.                                                               “A true master of his craft” according to one man and “the best according to David Bordas of Denver(a former BYU Motion Picture Studio employee).

I portrayed Peacemaker to the Indians Jacob Hamblin in a documentary about water conservancy in May and June 2011 which screened in the DOCUTAH September 8-17 2011 in St. George, Utah. It was called Liquid Desert. In Liquid Desert, I portray Utah pioneer and friend to the Indians, Jacob Hamblin. Watch it:

Liquid Desert

The US Immigration And Naturalization Project-Volunteers with the US Immigration & Naturalization Community Project make it possible for researchers worldwide to discover the stories of their US immigrant ancestors.

The US Immigration And Naturalization Project

 I played the part of a Stevedore (a dock worker) in a ancestor program promo.

I was cast in a small part in Mythica, a quest for heroes, a fantasy series.  I’m the first person who’s face is seen in the trailer and movie.


And acting and singing often go together. Right?

(I’m middle row 2nd from the right.)

Prophet finalle 2


About one such song Les Thompson said, “Looking the part too, Jay.  Move over, Topol…Tevye has never looked better!Great performance of a fabulous showstopper! Best,” -Les.

“If I were a rich man” “from Fiddler on the Roof”


Rich man 1

Story telling:

In conclusion:

Do you need a singing voice?   ” I sing with groups and do solo work(so low- from B two octaves below middle C to E above middle C) and have recordings, both video and audio, of many of the performances. I sing and do jingles but I’ll not write the jingles or chose the music for you.

Carrie Carlow of St. George, Ut. said I “have a beautiful voice”.

Carol Hanley of Ivins, Ut.(formerly a singer with the Southwest Symphony Chorale) says “a good voice” 

Jim Ostler, former President of the Master Singers of St.George, said my voice is “a gift”.

Monte Burton of St. George, Utah referred to me as the guy with the voice like a nightingale. 

Helen H. of Santa Clara, Utah, ” you have such a good radio voice.”

Misha and Abe of New Mexico said,“You’re absolutely awesome, you’ve got a fantastic voice, truly sung from the heart.” 

I did ten recordings on My Space Karaoke-K-solo when it existed.

Some comments on these recordings are as follows:   

Jeff for Song:  Cherish “good job and you did it with feelings”, by JOY for Song: April Love “i think this is my favorite from you! ten stars Jay. nice performance”, 

Jerry  for Song: England Swings”Good job on this”,

GIGI♥BELLA Song: England Swings“Hey You are pretty good Jay… You sing my kinda music..  Very good job.. new fan! 10+”

Margie for Song: Portrait Of My Love “Wow, you sing beautifully!”,

Sharon for Song: April Love “You have a nice sound. Smooooth…Look forward to hear more of your selections.”, 

Misha for Song: Streets of Laredo “My God , this style of song and music were totally made for you, do more. PLEASE!!!!!! Second time even sounds more awesome”.

Karaoke Channel is another fun site that I’ve gotten onto on their free program.  You can hear me there too. Even become a member yourself and show the world what you can do.”

“Following a recent concert(Dec 2010) where I did one solo with the Master Singers of St. George, Utah, one woman said of my rendition: ” Better than Willie Nelson”, while another said “You have the best voice I have ever heard”,  and a man said, “Just like a nightengale”.

I recorded ten song recordings on K-solo (My Space Karaoke) site and later at Karaoke For Cash and another site but they all ended. At SingSnap Karaoke more are allowed for free, so I’ve really gotten into it and have 82 plus recordings as of the end of January 2011 and by August of 2014 nearly 1000. Some are better than others. And some are videos. You do know that karaoke is for fun don’t you? not trying to say these are professional. But I’m sure you’ll enjoy some of them. After another musical program, a couple said, “why didn’t they let you sing solo? We wanted to hear you.”At my last gig (Jan.2011), I didn’t sing Ole Man River which several in the audience let me know about as they like my renditions of this Kern-Hammerstein classic that Jerome Hines called the “bass’s national anthem”. 

Here’s a recording of Old Man River sung at a Veterans’ home.

“We can talk price for a personal concert. I also do backup singing, quartet, barbershop, other small groups and bass in choral groups. My solo work includes: Ole Man River, Big Bass Viol, Asleep in the Deep. Hey you’ll be impressed. At the 2009 Master Singers of St. George Christmas concert at the pioneer Tabernacle I sang a solo. I keep meeting people who say: “You’re the singer. You have the best voice I ever heard.”, “There’s the guy who sings like a nightingale.”, “You still have a voice.”, etc..  Don’t take my word for it, just listen to me and judge for yourself. Then call me to schedule a performance. 435-628-7809.

Do you need  voice work done in German?                                                        

 German voice talent work ( won’t translate for you unless paid separately for the translating).

-(“I lived for two years in Austria speaking German after high school German studies and intensive German university studies and then university studies after speaking it for two years in Austria.  I also taught night courses in adult education for one year and have tutored”.)

-Hear samples at the Voice123 link to the right under “Hear me do Voice Overs”.

“Why buy my voice services? Good question. You’ll have to try me to find out. I know how to be a crowd pleaser so let me work for you. Don’t take my word for it.”           Enid E. of Santa Clara, Utah to Karen R. of New Caledonia, to Colleen L. of Nashville, Tenn. to Kathryn S. of Raleigh, N. C. to Melroy D of India, to Becky of the N. Agency-Canada, to Ilse H. of Tulsa, Ok., who said”Dang, your voice sounds so good!!! , to  Marv Hansen  and Paul Young and Bob Smith of St. George, Utah, to- well just a whole lot of people like my speaking and singing voice. You will too.”

“I want your business so give me a call or send an e-mail and put my vocal cords to work.

The rate schedule that Voice123 has set out is what I’ll use too,  but we can discuss individual project fees.”       See the rate page_ Voice as an Instrument » Rate Schedule

“You wouldn’t want my vocal cords to atrophy.  Would you?  Give them a work out.”  Call or order now.

“Thanks you for visiting my site.”

Jay Beacham


Need a narrator, voice over guy, voice talent, radio voice, vocalist, voice actor, stage actor, screen or TV actor,German translator(German to English or English to German) ?                               

Go to the link blogroll to the right of this page and see my other sites and listen to some voice demos at voice123 under my profile.I have other products.

Visit the product page.

Go there now, select your product and follow the purchasing instructions.

Thank you.

PS. On February the 12th, 2009, the 200th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s birth, I performed as the Ghost of Lincoln at the St. George, Utah Opera House. DVDs are available. call 435-628-7809 .

 Hurry and get your copy of every year 2009, 2010, 2011, 2014 before they are all gone. They are selling fast. See product page at the top. 

 Feb. 12, 2010 show: Lincoln’s Ghost Returns.   

And for the 150 year anniversary of Mr.Lincoln’s first inauguration year, I was the Ghost of Lincoln 2011 “Lincoln’s Thoughts on Life-His poetry” in a Saturday Matinee on February 12th. (see the blog for details)  A video link to Lincoln’s Ghost show.

and Jacob Hamblin promo:

Click on the microphone below for voice demos .


Other Links:  

Voice introduction to this page:

Hear  my voice at:

I understand that Mel Blanc went into Warner Brothers every week for three years trying to get heard. The main guy wouldn’t listen to him and then died. The new guy who took over, listened to Mel and Mel went on to make Warner Brothers.
The first guy had lots of voice people but not Mel and he was something special.
I could be too. You won’t know if you don’t listen to me.
Need a voice talent?


My books on Amazon:



My Payhip store with books, audio, video recordings, paintings, learning courses, and much more:  jay beacham – Payhip


Lincoln’s Ghost on Amazon:


How not to build a house series video series:

                              Part 1:

                              Part 2:


Become an affiliate at payhip publishing @ 


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William Shatner Interviews GDI Co-Founders ( — Income for Life™

In Spanish: — Renta de por vida™


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 contact me now for your voice work:

E-mail Phone: 1-435-628-7809

Payments or Donations can be made via PayPal

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