April 2010

Monthly Archive

Poor thing’s got his mother’s genes

29 Apr 2010 | : blog


A married woman of 34 with four children wrote this about her fight with pimples-acne:
Not “only when I was a teenager? I still get them. You’re not supposed to have pimples and wrinkles at the same time.”

I remember that I was very self conscious and felt like the pimples were big red signs on my face saying look at me!! I had a hard time looking people in the eyes because I thought that all they were looking at was the pimples. I really would have preferred to stay home all the time so that I didn’t have to worry about people looking at me. It seemed as though all my friends had such nice skin.”

Does this sound familiar? If you do or have had acne problems, would a cure interest you?

Yes I mean a cure. Not a lotion or potion that you need to apply for ever more at an ever continuing expense.  But a cure. I said a cure.

This may be less appealing than a lotion but what would you be willing to pay to get such an answer to your embarrassment and distress?

Consider that and if you’d be willing to pay to know about a 2 day cure for acne then follow this link and read how you can obtain that knowledge.

Solutions to Government Ills.

27 Apr 2010 | : blog

022_22.jpgAre you worried about the state of affairs in the United States today?
I know that I am.
Are you having financial difficulties due to government interference
in your life?
I know that I am.
Every time I think I might get ahead, government at some level increases taxes on me and my life.
I’ve wondered what I could do. I’m just one very small fry in a very big sea of government intrusions into my life.
One voice can’t do much.
Intrusive government seems to be the culprit of many of my ills as
well as of the body politic
Over the years, I’ve studied some about the life and teachings of our 16th President, Abraham Lincoln. I think that much of what he said has great relevance to today’s ills. A lot of good advise for good government, which is less instead of more government.
I have portrayed him since 1972.
As Lincoln’s Ghost, I’ve included much of his advise because I believe that much of that advise, taken from his writing and recorded speeches. could help me with my problems and the nation with its problems, if that advise were put into practice.
So in the shows I gave as the ghost of Lincoln on Feb.12, 2009 and 2010, I included some of that advise, hoping to help solve some of the current problems.
You’re sure to enjoy the shows “because you do it” said Mrs.D.J. St. George, Utah.
You’ll love it as the Shurtleff family of Salt Lake City, Utah did.
“He Is Abe Lincoln.”said Mark Shurtleff.
Where can you get your own copy of the show on dvd?
At: http//jaybeacham.com
All contact information can be found there.
Cost: $20.00 US. plus S & H ($3.00 to most places in continental http://jaybeacham.com

Facebook Post

22 Apr 2010 | : blog

010_101.jpgThe reason I bring that up is that I just got done watching some raw footage of this year’s show and I think you’ll like it. James showed me some of his creative editing last night and it has quite a different look I’m sure you’ll like.
See the promo at:


New DVD about ready.

22 Apr 2010 | : blog

Last Saturday at the Washington County Republican convention. State Attorney General, Mark Shurtleff bought a copy of my 2009 Lincoln’s Show on dvd. Here’s what he had to say about it: Mark Shurtleff April 19 Thanks Jay. We watched it and love it! Hey all you Friends – get Jay’s new Lincoln DVD. He IS Honest Abe! “

I asked permission to use his quote and got it.

Go to the mall at home

22 Apr 2010 | : blog

Want to go to the mall but the bad weather says, “Stay Home”.?

Well go to this site.
Go here and just scroll down and find your store and enjoy shopping.
You’ll even be celebrating Earth Day.
At least you’ll be saving gasoline and travel money.

Choosing the right mortgage.

15 Apr 2010 | : blog

Choosing A Mortgage Program doesn’t mean there is a single or simple answer. The right type of mortgage for you depends on many different factors: Your current financial picture. How you expect your finances to change. How long you in…

Learn more at:


Another way to get health coverage without government force.

15 Apr 2010 | : blog

By becoming a member of an association, you are immediately extended all the benefits of the membership. These benefits may include:

  1. Nationwide networks of doctors (600,000 or more doctors and hospitals in the United States)
  2. Rx Savings (Generic co-pays and Brand name savings)
  3. Vision Benefits
  4. Dental Insurance Benefits
  5. Accidental Death and Dismemberment
  6. Hospitalization, ICU, Surgery (member can choose any hospital)
  7. Emergency Rescue
  8. Very low out of pocket costs for doctor visits
  9. First dollar coverage
  10. No rate increases (No matter how many claims you have
  11. How? by spreading the risk over tens of thousands of members

Call Now: 1-888-312-3439 code 9994972


Lincoln’s Ghost returns promo

14 Apr 2010 | : blog

Lincoln’s Ghost Returns Promo video


The Feb.12, 2010 performance of Lincoln’s Ghost
Returns, a one man show by Jay Beacham, at the St. George, Utah Pioneer
Opera House.
The entire show will be available on DVD after April 20, 2010. Reserve your copy now at www.JayBeacham.com.

“It’s not fair”

14 Apr 2010 | : blog


“It’s not fair that the other Squidoo Lenses get noticed and I don’t.”


Upon a horse’s back


this lens's photo I started writing lyric poems(songs) several years ago after I had taken a correspondence course for writing and not wanting to paper my walls with rejection slips like my writing instructor, wrote “The Writer”.

“I need visitors”

14 Apr 2010 | : blog

“Have you visited me lately?”

My Coupon Business with My World Plus

this lens's photo

If you like to save money while shopping, then this could be right for you.
If you have access to a computer, you can print off coupons for many local businesses and you can use your personal discount card and tell your friends about it and earn from home.
Then let me introduce you to MY World Plus.

Says this Squidoo lens:



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