Promote your business-make a video

Posted by on 06 Feb 2020 | Tagged as: blog

Promote your business-make a video

Do you want to promote your small business or your great idea or your knowledge about a subject?

Making a video to post on the internet may help a lot.

You need to speak yourself  at least for part of it so that people will see that you are a real person.

But you might need a Spokesperson’s voice for your business too.

If you do use one, why not get the voice of Jay Beacham?

He’s  helped businesses over the years with their narration needs.

Here are a few examples:

The Make It Easy Toothpaste dispenser company :

The Gozunder Toilet Seat Riser company :

Suzann Capra Grabina and her “Speak With Ease”
English Accent and Pronunciation Lessons :

The Southwest Science Foundation’s radio program that promotes it’s projects and science center:

Or you can use his voice for your radio or Television ad :

Voice overs in English and German.

Need a spokesperson voice?

Get Jay Beacham

Voice Age

Posted by on 27 Mar 2019 | Tagged as: blog

Today I got a notice from a casting agency:

“2.) We are looking for  male voice over actors –  Language: English (US). Voice age : 18-24(2 positions) and 30-45(3 positions) “

Voice age?

What in the world does that mean?

When I was about 14 my voice changed from a fine boy soprano to a deep bass.

At 16, I started work at a radio station.

Now at 68 my voice sounds just the same as it did at 16 unless I try to sound like a toothless old timer.

Now can any one expect a voice to sound a certain age?

This is a totally dumb request, so I won’t be applying.

My looks have changed but not my voice.

Me at 16 Mr. Fawson and me

Me now at 68Picture 168

Me recording voice workArt a recording studio singing backup vocals for a folk singer.

Hear voice samples at:

scroll down to the Sound Cloud section Latest Tracks.


The perfect get rich field?

Posted by on 13 Dec 2016 | Tagged as: blog

The perfect get rich field?

I Get a lot of email Daily.

There was one email in the one inbox today from a health guru touting the

benefits of a fellow marketer that has promoted his stuff.

His stuff is over priced and  doesn’t arrive in a timely fashion either online or off.

So why should I listen to him?

I’ll let you read his letter and my reply and decide for yourself.
Pocketing $250 to $750 for a few minutes of work.(2)
Kevin – NutriO2 <>
To jay beacham 12/13/2016 at 10:39 AM
Hi Jay,

Ever heard the phrase, “In a world…” in movie

I don’t know about you but it has been used in so
many  movies that it became a cliché.

Reason I’m asking you is because the guy behind
that voice became a millionaire because of an

Yes,  you read that right.

La Fontaine’s voice cracked at age 13 in

… giving him that distinct tone that later
brought him much fame and success.

His income a month was reportedly in the millions!
In fact, at his peak he was doing about 60
voice overs a week sometimes even 35 in a single

Now let me tell you this …

60 promotions a week isn’t really absurd once you
find out that there’s a big gaping hole in the
voice over industry.

The demand is just too much for the supply.

And guess what?

There is documentation and proof showing how
under served this industry is – and what you can do
to take advantage of it…

You can see it all here.

Now, you’re probably wondering …

How come we haven’t heard about it?
The answer is simple.

Voiceover folks are making a killing pocketing
$250 to $750 for a few minutes of work.

And they are afraid of sharing the wealth because
they  DON’T KNOW that the voiceover industry is a
17 billion dollar behemoth that’s growing at a
steady rate of 7.6% each year.

Can you imagine how big of a market is waiting for
you to make your mark?

If you are curious or at the very least interested
making side income just by recording your voice
then check this out

On that presentation, you’d even be surprised how
most people with horrible voices manage to carve a
big piece of the pie.

Then again, don’t believe me.

See it for yourself.

To Your Good Health,
Kevin Richardson

He referred Jenny Lewis’s  Voice Over  training program

The perfect get rich field! Right? 

Not so fast, here is my reply to him:


I’m a voice over guy.
It’s now all done on the internet,  not in studios like Mr La Fontaine used.
and a distinct voice isn’t enough.
It is a saturated industry with more and more competition daily.
Now a voice talent needs to be the voice, the studio, the sound engineer, the computer engineer, the sales department, the advertising department, the fulfillment department, etc.
The voice talent has to be unique and all those things and more.
There are millions of voice talents who are unemployed.
In my 10 plus years in the modern business, I’ve gotten two voice over jobs because of a neighbor lady who asked me to voice two videos introducing new products to the market place .
That’s it.
Mr. Don La Fontaine walked into a studio and just spoke.
Years ago, so did I.    While in the studio, I’d read for several things and walk out with a check.

Not that way any more.
As in all parts of the entertainment business, Some succeed and earn the big money, most  don’t.
Jay Beacham

The perfect get rich field?

When the “stay in your pajamas and earn big money from home” ads come at you, just take a breath and

realize that all that glitters isn’t gold.


Voice Age

Posted by on 18 Aug 2016 | Tagged as: blog

A voice over job became available today:
Today we start castings for 11 voice over positions…
Type: TV / WEB / RADIO commercial

Category: International car company

Required: We are looking for a male and female voice over actors for one of Europe’s largest car companies new TV/ WEB/ Radio commercial. Language: English (US). Voice age : 18-24(2 positions) and 30-45(3 positions)
Spanish(1 position), Italian ( 2 positions) , Russian (3 position)

Payment: Paid job

Expiring: 28th of September, 2016

This was what was requested:
“English (US). Voice age : 18-24(2 positions) and 30-45(3 positions)

About the age of voices.
When I was about 14 yrs old my voice changed from a fine boy soprano to a very deep bass.
At age 16, I began work as an announcer-DJ at the local radio station.
This June, just past, I turned 66 years old.
From 14 to now, my voice has sounded virtually the same unless I try to sound younger or older.

Physical age doesn’t change voice quality or sound necessarily.
Some very old women that I know have very child like voices.
One is a voice talent who does children voices exclusively.

Walter Brennan never sounded young after an accident changed his voice timber.
“Throughout his career, Brennan was frequently called upon to play characters considerably older than he was in real life.
The loss of many teeth in a 1932 accident, rapidly thinning hair, thin build, and unusual vocal intonations all made him seem older than he really was.   He used these features to great effect. In many of his film roles, Brennan wore dentures…”

Age of a voice?
That’s why they call them voice talents. At least those who can do different sounding voices.
But trying to make a voice sound what is perceived as a certain age of an adult, say over 16, is stupid.
I sound the same now as I did at age 16.
My point is, “Physical age doesn’t determine the sound of a voice.”


Give Me A Chance At Bat

Posted by on 03 Jun 2015 | Tagged as: blog



Give Me A Chance At Bat

I just watched an instructional video.

Are You Batting Lead-Off or Clean-Up?
by Bill DeWees
He’s a voice guy and compares baseball lead off/cleanup hitters to the voice over business of today.
He says it’s better to consistently get on base than to be the guy to get the home runs.
Meaning to work consistently is better than to wait for the big fancy voice jobs.

Well I’d just like to get a chance to bat.

My problem may have started when I first went to Little League tryouts with a boy who’d played before.
There was a team in the field and the prospects got a chance at bat while the coaches looked them over.
Before I could get to bat someone said that I was to go with the team made up of the left over boys.
I protested and someone said,
“Ah let the kid hit.”
I swung at the first ball and ran to second base safe.
Then we went off in the back of a pickup to look for a field to practice in.
We didn’t find one that morning.
By the next week, my family’s farm operations took precedence to ball games and my Little League career
ended before it had begun.
During the next few years, besides work and school and scouts, I practiced ball whenever the chance afforded itself.
I watched movies about baseball greats. The Deans, Jackie Robinson, etc.
I waited for High School sports.
the following poem tells about all of that.
To Pitch The Ball ©
When young, I thought it fun to throw a little baseball,
My dream to be a Dizzy or a Daffy dean, did enthrall.
All times of day, I’d throw and catch by myself.
I’d throw and catch with others to;
In school yard or down in the street
Most days with others I would meet.
Though seldom would I get to pitch that ball.
Then Little League came: “Oh let the kid bat.”
But never did I get to throw from mound to catcher’s mitt.
To high school then and gym,
Maybe I’d get to show
How good, how fast, how accurate I could throw.
I hurt my knee and to a specialist had to go.
He said that running would be put
That swim exercise and leg weight lifting would be in.
The years have so very fast gone past,
And though balls now fly to mitt-to sky
They do not on me at all rely.
(Author’s note: There is a professional baseball pitcher named Jay Beacham but it isn’t me.)
(Poetry anthology on Kindle “Under Red Cliffs” @ )
(Also available in paper back @

Well so it has been for me in the voice over world of today.
I’d just like to get a chance to get to bat or pitch. 
I won’t do immoral or illicit projects.
And it is always good to believe in something before promoting it.
That lends the aspect of truth to what the Voice Talent is saying.
But that said, I just want a chance to play.

Tips on how to narrate stories

Posted by on 09 Feb 2015 | Tagged as: blog

Yesterday Google + notified me that I had a comment on one of my You tube videos.

Here it is and my response.

beja hadid’s COMMENT 2/7/2015 on My Journey Into VO Land video

Jay, can you please explain how you developed your voice and can you share a few tips on how to narrate stories. I noticed you have a normal sounding voice and it switches into narrator style tone when your pitch drops.

My answer:

In another video, Five Steps for Better Speaking
Not only do I tell some tricks to develop the voice but in the description, I have links to other instructions and books about the subject.
Most people want conversational story telling.
If you know or learn the story, then when you narrate or tell it, get animated. Put life into it. Don’t try to be like someone else but like your self. People like that because it sounds real. Different styles of speech makes it conversational or like a narration.
Dropping one’s pitch may help but isn’t necessary.
I do volunteer work in a local historical tour program where I do a script, first person, of two Utah pioneers. Doing it several times daily, 5 days a week, to a different audience each time. This practice in storytelling really helps. Listen and copy those you like doing narration.
Check out the links on my main site
The voice sites have some different styles of speech from narration to commercials in the demo sections.
I hope this has helped answer your question.
If not write me at with attention in the subject section and I’ll respond again.
thank you for asking.


What do you do to narrate a story?

Now for some Tips:

-Read copy out loud.

copy is anything written, newspapers, books, magazine articles, etc.

-Listen to others narrate

an audio book will be read differently if it is a novel than if it is a technical piece

-Practice the style that will fit the subject matter


you can’t narrate anything if you don’t start doing it

Good luck.


Do auditions translate to jobs?

Posted by on 24 Sep 2013 | Tagged as: blog

 I’m in a group at called

A week ago the group originator started a conversation and it has received much attention from the voice over community.

Here is the  question and my responses and maybe one or two others to answer my above question.

How many auditions did you do today? Co-founder

If you’ve been keeping track of how often you step up to the mic each day, comment and join the conversation.


 Stephanie Ciccarelli




 jay beachamjay beacham

The voice as an instrument-your source for voice work-actor -singer -voice talent

When I was paying for an audition factory to provide audition opportunities, I regularly did ten + a day.
Now Once a week is rare. Audiobook reads are longer and take more time.
With just as little likelihood of being hired.
The amount of auditions don’t seem to correspond to the times being hired.
The only jobs I’ve gotten are from people who know me outside of the internet. The internet only being used to transport the demos and final work.

In  my experience, I would get tons of jobs, if I sat at home and waited and jumped at each thing that came along.

Once a casting lady from Atlanta called me. She liked my voice and 9 other guys’ voices. On a day when I was working at a non voice related job away from home, I got home late to an email about a read, I being her first choice. It was 10:30pm Utah time making it very late in Atlanta. I called the next morning to learn that it had been filled. She’d wanted a 1 hour turn around.

In film it is the same. On a Monday, an email arrived for me to be at a shoot as an extra Tues, & Wens. or Wens. & Thurs. that week in northern Utah, I live in southern Utah and had a pre-scheduled acting gig on Wens. in southern Utah.

This is an instant business. Casting directors never plan ahead. And they want quick turn around times and there is a surplus of voices or actors to choose from, who are are sitting waiting for the call or email.

So the number of auditions one does will never translate into jobs.

Other responses to her question are:

Ralph Ralph “Allen”



Ralph “Allen” Allenbaugh

President, Owner Ralph Allen Media

I think that there are a lot of really special and well qualified and talented people doing voice work. The successful people soon learn how to prospect for clients that use free lance talent.
I guess the need for prospecting is a huge part of this job.



Jeff Lavoce




Jeff Lavoce

Voice-over at

I do agree with the above comment. Nowadays, its about how smart you run your business, and how well you prospect, and that is not just voice-acting. If your voice is spot-on, I would suggest a business/marketing course, rather than yet more voice-coaching.

so get your voice out there, and get prospecting! 


So the number of auditions one does will never translate into jobs.

That’s my opinion.

Jay Beacham







We want a college age voice.

Posted by on 05 Jul 2013 | Tagged as: blog

“We want a college age voice.”


“We need a 20 to 40 year old voice.” 

Searching for voice over, voice talent jobs these and other like statements were in the demo-requirements I found.

Who are they kidding?

There is no particular voice sound that depicts a college age student. And Now every one from all age groups are in college.

And 20 to 40? So you can tell?

I was a radio announcer at age 16  and sounded very much not like a child. And I am not an ‘exception’.

I understand that some casting directors didn’t cast Deanna Durbin when she was a teenager because she sounded to old.

I think these folks who are asking for the ‘age related voice’ are insane.

I sold a bare root apricot tree to a woman once.  From her voice she could have been in her twenties.  She was 11.

I have a friend who is 55 now and she sounds like a young girl where as her two daughters sounded very mature as teens.

So what’s in your mind about an age related voice sound?

You tell me what does a college age voice sound like?

I suppose if you were a “toother” and had no teeth you might sound old. I know folks who started wearing ‘dentures’ while still in their twenties. Without their chompers, they sound old.

Take Walter Brennan for instance.  He never played the part of a young man from the 1930s until he died in 1974 at age 80.

Here is an excerpt from a Wikipedia post about him:  ” Throughout his career, Brennan was frequently called upon to play characters considerably older than he was in real life. The loss of many teeth in a 1932 accident, rapidly thinning hair, thin build, and unusual vocal intonations all made him seem older than he really was. He used these features to great effect. In many of his film roles, Brennan wore ‘dentures; in Northwest Passage — a film set in the late 18th century—he wore a special dental prosthesis which made him appear to have rotting and broken teeth.”

These age requirements for a voice are so dumb.

Its all in people’s minds as to what makes someone sound young or old or in between or even look a certain age for that matter.

Now what do you think?

 Another matter before I’m out of here.

To those dorks who are putting links to keywords on my sites and posts, I hope you never sell a cent’s worth of product. If you had any integrity you’d pay for the advertising I and others are forced to give you.


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