Lincoln’s Ghost Tells Stories-2014
Created by jaybeacham on 23 Mar 2014 | Tagged as:
Lincoln’s Ghost Tells Stories-2014
is an all new show featuring stories by the 16th President.
Hi Friends,
I did a brand new show different from earlier ones when Lincoln’s Ghost told wonderful stories on Feb. 22, 2014 at the Opera House in St. George, Utah.
Lincoln played which musical instruments?
Did you know he had a Duel?
Or that a murder mystery for the newspapers was written by Abe?
Learn things you never knew about the 16th President of the USA.
Laugh and cry and be intrigued by mystery.
What Lincoln’s contemporaries said of his story telling:
Sara Jane Lippincott said of Lincoln:
“I really think that Mr. Lincoln’s propensity for storytelling has been exaggerated by his enemies. I had once the honor of conversing with him, or rather of hearing him converse, for several minutes, and in all that time he only told four little stories.”
Carl Schurz, a Union general first met Lincoln on a train: ”I soon felt as if I had know him all my life and we had very long been close friends…He interspersed our conversation with all sorts of quaint stories, each of which had a witty point applicable to the subject at hand.”
Mr. Rutledge said, “Mr. Lincoln is a great storyteller…a rare political talent.”
Get your Audio Cd of the show!
Just $20 each ( plus $3 shipping)
Available from
The live performance of the 2014 Lincoln’s Ghost Tells Stories on dvd
at $20 plus $5 S & H
There are a limited number of the booklet “Facts About Abraham Lincoln”
available for $5.oo
Or purchase your Kindle edition for $8.97 at:
Or at:
Jay Beacham
85 East Center Street
Ivins, Utah 84738
Listener’s comments:
Comment by Brenda Armstrong (From Texas, USA)
“Sure do love the Abe cd….you’re truly gifted..I loved the singing you did with no music.. I hope you do well with the selling of deserve it with your awesome talent Jay.”
Ousainou Ousainou Badjie (from The Gambia, West Africa) ” I already got one via postal thank you so much, but the message in it is very stunning indeed sensational.”
Leo Sullivan of St. George, Utah said he liked it and “when are you going to do another one.”
James Cowley of Ivins, Utah said, “I really enjoyed the updated Lincoln cd. Fantastic! Fantastic! Kept me going all the way through it. Very interesting.”
Get your copy now and learn about the lighter side of Abraham Lincoln from Lincoln’s Ghost!
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Jay Beacham
85 East Center Street
Ivins, Utah 84738 USA