June 2018
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jaybeacham 23 Jun 2018 | : blog
Recently there were Changes in My Space and Wayn.
They decided what contacts could be kept on a personal profile and what content could be included.
Wayn now tells me where they want me to travel not where I want to go and the stories and photos from Anna, Joe, etc.
aren’t there anymore.
Since neither are my personal profiles any longer, I am unsubscribing to both.
Also deleting links to their sites.
Jay Beacham
jaybeacham 23 Jun 2018 | : blog
Ivins, Utah
June 20, 2018
Planning on moving to Ivins?
Like your privacy and
want back yard privacy by building a wall or fence or
by having a screen of vegetation”
Better reconsider, you are out of luck in Ivins
This past Wednesday, June 20th, the Administrative Judge used as part of his evidence
of ordinance violation, in a case before him, county assessor aerial
So long to privacy. Are you and your children safe in your back yard?
And the Ivins Administrative Court ruled these 2 half demolished trailers
habitable or” occupiable RVs” and in violation of town parking ordinance.
“habitable defined:
adj. referring to a residence that is safe and can be occupied in reasonable comfort. Although standards vary by region, the premises should be closed in against the weather, provide running water, access to decent toilets and bathing facilities, heating, and electricity. Particularly in multi-dwelling buildings freedom from noxious smells, noise and garbage are included in the standard.”
When the rest of the trailer tops are gone, will he still rule the chassis “habitable RVs”?
These and other vehicles in partial dismantling are screened from public view on a 3.63 area farm along a fence line at the back of the acreage only seen through a hole near the gate.
July 11: They have been since moved but still the town says “RVs are still there.”
What is in your back yard or on your farm that the zoning department will find objectionable?
They now use aerial photos with no warrant.
So long to your 4th Amendment rights.
They can change your zone designation at will, so that what you have been doing for years is now illegal.
This all reminds me of the phrase:
“All pigs are equal, but some pigs are more equal than others.”